Some koi tradition...

Breeders to choose from

“ cannot fake tradition.”

Koi keeping is full of tradition and magic.  During our tour we will visit the major koi producing areas of Japan. Here is a partial list of koi breeders we tend to visit.

In the Niigata area
Think koi and think of Shinoda, Dainichi, Torazo, Marudo, Hiroi, Yamazaki, Ofuchi, Kaneko,  Isa, Otsuka, Hoshikin, Aoki, Izumiya, Mazaki Oomo, etc in the heart of koi country.

In the Hiroshima area
Think of modern day giants like Momotaro Koi Farm and  Sakai Fish Farm that created a new tradition of mass producing show winning koi. Thinkof the exceptional Omosako Fish Farm and the humble Tamaura\. They all are in the Hiroshima area.

In other areas
We also venture into the Shizuoka,  Yamanashi, Kurume and Aichi areas sometimes when asked. Takeda, Sakuma, Sakai (Matsunosuke) Ogata, etc are here.  Each one has it's specialty and each place is unique.

Don't be afraid - we will guide you.


Servaas de Kock – KoiNet



...You will love Japan.....

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KoiNet and AquaNet are owned by Servaas de Kock, 082 440 6770, PO Box 1643, Gans Bay, 7220 - mail me